
Baker's Big Bike Race!

Today was a big bike race in Baker. Before the adults raced, the kids got to have their races. Emma isn't wanting to ride her bike now that we took the training wheels off, so she decided she would ride her scooter instead. This video is of her race. It's so cute! I told Emma she was the fastest scooter rider I ever saw, and if the race would have been with scooters she would have won. Her answer was....."I know that mom!"


Leslie said...

That is SOOOOO cute!!!! And great that they got helmets, too. Wish we would hve been there THIS week!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh that's so cute I was out of control laughing again sitting at my desk. Fun, fun, fun. Mrs. Scovil

Anonymous said...

Dallas you are doing such a great JOB! keep up the good work
Love and hugs
Nanny & bompa