
Easter Memories

Well now there's four of the cutest kids I know in their matching outfits.

Auntie and Uncle came over with the boys for this special weekend. We had lots of fun and crammed tons of things into such a short time.

One really fun thing was the hot tub. Isaiah thought it was great fun in the big bath tub!

Uncle joined them to show Isaiah the ropes!

They stopped long enough to get this picture! Isaiah had just splached everyone.

Sugar Filled Saturday

Dallas really enjoyed holding Elijah this weekend. She thinks he's the cutest baby and so do I.
After they left she said she was going to miss holding him and feeling him his bottle.

Last week the girls entered pictures into a coloring contest at the Oregon Trail Restaurant. Saturday they called to tell the girls they had won in their age group. They were so excited and happy we went right away to see what they won.

They each got Easter baskets stuffed with goodies and gift certificates. Emma won the 4 and 5 year old division, while Dallas won the 6 to 8 division.

After all that excitment the kids were off to color their eggs and as you can see this first experience for Isaiah was a big success.

Then it was off to the hot tub for some fun and relaxation. Look at those bathing beauties!

Easter 2008

The morning started out with a trip to the park for the annual Easter egg hunt. Dallas and Emma hooked up with their new friend Christine.

Emma on the run collecting all her treasures!

Dallas was waiting patiently for the horn to blow so she could collect her eggs. It wasn't very warm in the park as you can see.

When we got home Amy, Jebron, and the boys had arrived for the Easter weekend. Isaiah met us at the car. What a handsome boy!!

Uncle always greets the girls by throwing them up in the air and catching them. this is the mid air shot. I'm not sure how much longer this with happen. Keep pumping that iron Unc!


Weekend at Nanny and Bompums

I'm just learning how this blog works so the next few pictures should be last and the last 5 pictures should be first. Oh well....anyway this is a picture of the kids and Greg in the motel. They thought it was great fun.

At Lynne's nap on Saturday she found Dallas' lip gloss and decided to put it on......and boy did she. All over her face and hair. Laura had a heck of a time getting it out.

Emma and her baby saying good-bye through the car window.

Laura at IHOP

Dallas and Emma enjoying the big bed at the motel!

I'm so grownup now.

Cute as a bug!

Last weekend we went to Boise to visit our Nanny and Bompums and see Laura and Lynne, who flew in for the weekend from Coos Bay, OR.

We brought Lynne some presents, a new spring outfit, some books, and a new Barbie. Emma colored her a special picture and Dallas made her a book.

This is such a cute picture of Lynne!

On Sunday morning we all went to IHOP for breakfast. Aren't we cute!