
Christmas 2008

Well Christmas has come and gone. It always seems like a let down when it's all over. We had a good Christmas. It was quite....just the 4 of us this year. The roads were too bad for anyone to be traveling on. It was Greg's regular day to work and if it snows he goes in to get those roads plowed. It did just that. So the girls and I waited until he got home to open presents. That was around 1:00. Then it was off the the movies to see "Marley and Me." A tear jerker for sure. (tissue required) Then home for Ham dinner. It was a good day and we have so much to be thankful for. Here's a couple of pictures of the day.

Dallas and Emma's friends Logan and Ella came to Baker to visit their grandparents Shawna and Glen. They wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas. What's snow without kids playing in it. And what cute kids at that!


Important Things in December!

On the 12th Rasean turned one year old. I can't believe how fast the year went. I was reflecting on how different last year was compared to this year. Rasean is much bigger.....and Amy is much smaller :)

As with most 1 year olds, Rasean was more interested in the paper and boxes than the presents.

Daddy helping with a little taste testing.

Mommy getting more than she bargined for.....

Isaiah enjoying the best part....the cake and ice cream.

Me....aka...Nana and mom enjoy a little Yo Gabba Gabba with the kids on the laptop. Personally I was enjoying the kids more than the show.

Thursday Dec. 11th was the Harvest Academy's Annual Christmas program. Dallas has a pretty long part in her skit and did it flawlessly. Emma had singing with her class and did wonderful also. Below is a picture with some of their friends all dressed up.

Two real cuties here!

Some actions shots are always good.

Here's some video of the girls...its a little dark but too cute.