
Weekend at Nanny and Bompums

I'm just learning how this blog works so the next few pictures should be last and the last 5 pictures should be first. Oh well....anyway this is a picture of the kids and Greg in the motel. They thought it was great fun.

At Lynne's nap on Saturday she found Dallas' lip gloss and decided to put it on......and boy did she. All over her face and hair. Laura had a heck of a time getting it out.

Emma and her baby saying good-bye through the car window.

Laura at IHOP

Dallas and Emma enjoying the big bed at the motel!

I'm so grownup now.

Cute as a bug!

Last weekend we went to Boise to visit our Nanny and Bompums and see Laura and Lynne, who flew in for the weekend from Coos Bay, OR.

We brought Lynne some presents, a new spring outfit, some books, and a new Barbie. Emma colored her a special picture and Dallas made her a book.

This is such a cute picture of Lynne!

On Sunday morning we all went to IHOP for breakfast. Aren't we cute!


Anonymous said...

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Aunt Ruth said...

I loved reading about the girls' trip to the zoo and your Easter celebration with cousins. Love and Kisses! Aunt Ruth

Unknown said...

I loved looking at the pictures of the kids. Lyn sure looks like Emma. Your grandkids are all beautiful.....
Blessings, Theresa